استخدام برنامج قائم علي استخدام العاب الکومبيوتر لتدريس القواعد لتنميه مهارات طلاب الف السادس الابتدائي وتحسين اتجاههم نحو تعلم اللغه الانجليزية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


ادارة مغاغه کلية التربيه جامعه المنيا


The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of using a grammar computer game-based learning program to develop sixth graders’ grammar achievement and attitudes towards learning English. A pre-post control group research design was used to achieve the research objectives. Sixty pupils were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental and the control groups. The experimental group pupils were trained in grammar computer game based program to develop their grammar achievement and attitudes towards learning English. The content was based on the Student’s Book” Time for English”. The control group pupils were taught the same content through the regular method of teaching. Instruments of the study included a pre-post grammar achievement test and an attitude scale. Analysis of the data obtained by pupils by using (t-test) and the attitude scale revealed that the experimental group significantly surpassed the control one in the post grammar achievement test and the post- performance of the attitude scale. Discussion of these findings, recommendations and suggestions for further researches are presented.

Key words: Grammar, achievement, attitude and computer games.

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