Systems intelligence as apredictor of learning agility for a sample of higher education students

Document Type : Original Article


Mental health department, Faculty of Education, Minia University


The study aimed to know the relationship of systemic intelligence with learning agility among students and researchers in graduate studies, and whether systemic intelligence contributes to the variation in learning agility among the sample of the study, which reached 263 students and researchers in postgraduate studies. The level of systemic intelligence and its dimensions of thinking, control, future vision and self-development in the study sample, the majority of the study sample. It also found correlational relationships indicative of the presence of a statistically significant positive correlation at one level out of 100 between systemic intelligence and its four dimensions: thinking, control, future vision and self-development, and between learning agility and its dimensions, flexibility and adaptation. There were no differences between the study samples according to gender, male and female, study level, master’s degree, doctorate, and the interaction between gender and study level in systemic intelligence, and systemic intelligence contributed by 59.6% to the variation in learning agility among students and researchers in graduate studies and in light of the results of the study. The average researcher with a number of Recommendations and suggested research
