Ego strength and responsibility as predictors of the degree of dependency among a sample of relapsed addicts and recovered addicts included in the Narcotics Anonymous program.

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology department.arts faculty.minia university.


The study aimed to reveal the role of ego strength and responsibility as predictors of the degree of dependency among relapsed addicts and recovered addicts integrated into the Narcotics Anonymous program, and to examine the differences between relapsed addicts and recovered addicts in ego strength, responsibility, and dependability. The descriptive, comparative, correlational approach was used, and the study tools were the “ The ego Strength” scale , prepared by Barron, 1950, translated and codified by Aladdin Kafafi (1982), the responsibility scale as a subscale of the extraversion-introversion questionnaire prepared by Eysenck & Wilson, Arabized and codified by Ahmed Jasser (1997), and the dependability scale as a subscale. From the Personality Disorders Test prepared by “Mohamed Hassan Ghanem, Adel Demirdash, and Magdy Mohamed Zeina, 2008”, the study sample consisted of (41) relapsed addicts, and (17) recovered addicts integrated into the Addicts Anonymous program, their ages ranged between (25-45). ) years, with an average age of (30.78) and a standard deviation of (4.59). The results of the study revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the average scores of (ego strength and responsibility) between relapsed addicts and recovered addicts in the direction of recovering addicts, in addition to the negative predictability of ego strength and responsibility. Degree of dependency due to the presence of a negative effect of ego strength and responsibility on dependency among relapsing addicts and recovering addicts.
